AI for Human Well-being
Agnès Pérez-Millan

Faculty Member

I am a professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), a researcher at the AIWELL lab at eHealth Center UOC, and a researcher at the Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders group at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona -IDIBAPS. Also, I am participating in multiple outreach projects: Ciència Oberta, Neurones Fregides, and Píndoles Científiques.


My research interests include predictive modelling, machine learning, explainable machine learning, and advanced statistical analyses applied to neurodegenerative diseases. My main objectives are to use advanced mathematical models to classify these diseases or their phenotypes, find key biomarkers to differentiate these dementias and their phenotypes or define disease trajectories according to age to study the prognosis of the patients.


To check my publications, visit my Google Scholar profile